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Asian Statis comparing west coast to the east coast

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:49 pm
by Eddy
HI guys,

since most of you are from the west coast, can you guys tell me how is the asian, parituclarly, the chinese populations social statis.

In NYC, asians are looked down like you won't believe.

I am just wondering how is it like in california?

from what i hear the asian statis is much more higher in cali, i am thinking of moving there in the future because of that reason.

thanks a bunch.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:20 pm
by Mikey_
I'd say, Asians are everywhere here in Southern California, particularly Orange County and the richer South Orange County area. In terms of status, I don't think Californians care since it's such a mixed pot of different ethnicities.

I don't feel that Asians are looked down upon here in S. California.
